This is my first blog on this website. I’ve always been really bad about sharing consistently on the internet, whether that’s on social media or on my personal website. I’m trying to keep my goals this year simple and reasonable, since I’m pretty burnt out on existence.
One of my goals is to spend time making my art making process less stressful and anxiety inducing. Another goal is to use the resources (and art supplies) I already have at my disposal so I don’t become a hoarder. Hoarding runs in my family so this goal is a constant battle against my true nature. I have a vague goal of posting regularly at all to any online platform, but again, I’m horrible at consistency. In the realm of hobbies my goals are to knit a sweater, do at least one embroidery project, and do one sewing project. I’d like to do the sweater now while its still cold, and do sewing in the summer but crafting plans rarely work out as planned.
If I don’t write any more blogs here for some reason, whether general malaise or the apocalypse, here are some animals so it’s not too boring: